Implementation and Manufacturing of a 3-Axes
Plotter Machine by Arduino and CNC Shield
1 Yousif Mohsin Hasan,
2 Layth Fadhil Shakir,
3Hassan Hamed Naji
1,2,3 College of Engineering, University of Al-Qadisiyah Diwaniyah, Iraq
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Abstract— This paper shows how to design and building low
cost Arduino plotter machine based on the open source hardware
and software. The Arduino plotter machine has been dependent
on the principle of Computer Numerical Control with limited area
depends on the motion X, Y and Z axes. The objectives of this paper
are to design the Plotter and to develop open source software for
control the machine. Basically, the system of this plotter machine
is modeling by solidwork software to work with three axes stepper
motors (as X, Y and Z axes), this three stepper motors are
controlled by shield for movement (X, Y and Z axes). This
machine’s movement on the X axis is 215 mm and Y axis is 235 mm.
Length of travel means the linear movement of stepper motors that
control for X, Y and Z axes from point to another point. The left
and right movement controlled by X axis stepper motor, front-back movement controlled by Y axis stepper motor and the pen is updown that is controlled by Z axis stepper motor