Germination and Seedling Development Responses of
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Seeds to Temperature and
Different Levels of Water Availability


Abiotic variables are crucial for seed germination and seedling development. In the present
work, we attempted to determine the optimal conditions (temperature, water, seed density, and
fungal growth) for sunflower seed development (Helianthus annus L. Larissza). The germination of
sunflower seeds was investigated under controlled conditions at eight consistent temperatures: ٥ C,
١٠ C, ١٥ C, ٢٠ C, ٢٥ C, ٣٠ C, ٣٥ C, and ٤٠ C. For the water test, there were ١٢ water levels
based on one-milliliter intervals and ١٨ water levels based on thousand kernel weight (TKW). In
addition, four seed densities (٦, ٨, ١٠, and ١٢) and two antifungal application techniques (sterilization
and growing medium) were examined. The results showed that temperature has a significant effect
on seed germination, germination timing, and seedling development. Temperatures between ١٥
and ٣٥ degrees Celsius were optimal for germination, with ٢٥ degrees Celsius being the optimal
temperature for significant germination and seedling development. Beginning at ٠.٦ mL, or ١٢٥% of
the TKW, sunflower seeds can germinate under a wide range of water availability. The optimal range
for seedling development (٨.٢–١١.٤) is wider than the optimal range for dry matter accumulation,
which is ٥.٨–٨.٢ mL or ١٠٠٠–١٦٢٥% of the TKW. The finding that a density of ١٠ to ١٢ seeds per ٩ cm
Petri dish demonstrates the most exceptional values is advantageous for future research and breeding
projects, particularly when seeds are scarce. Seed priming is a more effective antifungal application
technique than other techniques

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